As you know, we are in the early stages of the Coronavirus and social distancing.
This means so many things for people: physically, emotionally, and financially.
For me this means a heightened focus on planning my days to achieve desired results. Some of those results include:
Completing my daily work list for my nursing job
Having educational activities for my kids to do while I work
Enrolling members into the Back 2 Bliss Back Pain Protocol so I can help them decrease pain
What results are you trying to achieve?
Better yet -- what are you doing to achieve them?
Sometimes working backwards from your result is the best way to know how to achieve these results
For example: If your result is decreased or no back pain -- what are the steps you would need to take to achieve this?
Sometimes it is best to write it all out and reverse engineer (start with the result and understand what it takes to get there)

Often the most challenging parts of this process is ACTION -- what do I actually do? How do I change my current habits?
That is what I am here to help you with - the ACTION part.
The Back 2 Bliss Back Pain Protocol provides ACTIONS to help make changes while focusing on Mindset, Movement, and Menu.

Good news!! The Back Pain Protocol is now booking clarity calls. During this 20-30 minute call, you and I will discuss if this protocol is best suited for you and if you are in a position to achieve positive outcomes.
And because I am very well aware that the Coronovirus is affecting the livelihood of individuals all around the world, I am offering enrollment in this 7 week program for ½ the price.
The time is NOW to focus on you and live your best life without allowing pain to control your every move.